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With more refugees expected, Europe needs to get a grip

With more refugees expected, Europe needs to get a grip

While financial support is still coming in for the victims of the Syrian conflict, Europe’s political signals are getting ever more contradictory, writes Russell Merryman.

Does the US know what it’s doing in the South China Sea?

Does the US know what it’s doing in the South China Sea?

A retired Commodore of the Royal Australian Navy asks Washington “what freedoms are being threatened?” in the South China Sea.

Iran not likely to back away from China, but …

Iran not likely to back away from China, but …

Iranian leaders had pledged to treat in kind powers who backed its position regarding nuclear power and lifting of sanctions.

Buckle up: China’s economic downturn headed for US

Buckle up: China’s economic downturn headed for US

A wide range of indicators point to a difficult year ahead for the U.S. economy, writes Reynolds.

China, Russia helping Zimbabwe ride out West’s bullying

China, Russia helping Zimbabwe ride out West’s bullying

In 2016, Zimbabwe looks forward to positive changes in the living standards of its people, writes Ambassador Mike Nicholas Sango.

Why Brazil’s crisis goes beyond the current political nightmare

Why Brazil’s crisis goes beyond the current political nightmare

Brazil needs to urgently find a new development model, writes a Brazilian economist.

China’s new anti-terror law and US double standards

China’s new anti-terror law and US double standards

That Washington accused Beijing's new counterterrorism law of infringing on freedom of speech, without referring to its own actions, is solid evidence of its double standard, writes Shen.

Dilma’s fall: The wrecking of an inspiring left-wing experiment

Dilma’s fall: The wrecking of an inspiring left-wing experiment

Brazil’s Supreme Court has ruled that Congress must restart impeachment proceedings opened by the Chamber of Deputies against President Dilma Rousseff of the Workers’ Party (PT). The deepest political crisis

G20 must act to prevent turning into a mere “talk shop”

G20 must act to prevent turning into a mere “talk shop”

The outdated economic system and developmental models as exemplified by the “Washington Consensus” need to go, writes a senior Chinese Cabinet Minister.

Amid media panic, a Brussels they do not know

Amid media panic, a Brussels they do not know

Prejudice and anti-Arab racism is what's fueling the kind of reporting we've seen since the Paris attacks, says Lode Vanoost.